EnergyVis | CityVis 2020

This EnergyVis workshop series originated as a Workshop on Urban Visualization specifically focusing on Energy Resilient Cities. This was held in June 2020 in conjunction with the ACM e-Energy 2020, Melbourne, Australia (virtual). This workshop was the 3rd in the CityVis Workshop series.

Energy Resilient Cities was seen to be an important topic for focus for this first domain-focused Urban Visualization workshop. The energy sector is seeing substantial technological and analytical enhancements enabling the delivery of smart systems via sensors, monitors and other digital technologies as well as improvements to predictions, forecasts and models throughout the industry. This emerging data is not only growing in volume, but in its complexity. This complexity increases as we draw connections with other urban infrastructures and incorporate populations.

Visualization and visual analytics offer a vast array of opportunities for the energy domain and we are now seeing a new era of ‘Energy Data Visualization’ emerging as a key topic of growing importance. The workshop in 2020 aimed to bring together scientists, researchers and practitioners from the energy field to discuss the many challenges and goals in regard to Urban Data Visualization, with a specific focus on Energy Resilient Cities

The identified challenges, goals and insights from the first three CityVis workshop series (including the EnergyVis workshop) are available to read in the recently published paper:

S. Goodwin, S. Meier, L. Bartram, A. Godwin, T. Nagel and M. Dörk, "Unravelling the Human Perspective and Considerations for Urban Data Visualization," 2021 IEEE 14th Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis), 2021, pp. 126-130, doi: 10.1109/PacificVis52677.2021.00024.

For further information on the workshop series see the CityVis Workshop website.

9:00-10:00 Introduction and Accepted Paper Presentations

Session Chair: Barrett Ens (Workshop Chair)

The Conception of an Urban Energy Dashboard using 3D City Models, Patrick Würstle, Thunyathep Santhanavanich, Rushikesh Padsala, Volker Coors - Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart.

Illuminating energy: Smart Lights, Householders and Intuitive Energy Data Visualization, Rex Martin - Monash University.

Want to Reduce Energy Consumption, Which Floor Should I Prefer? Priyanka Mary Mammen, Surabhi Mehrotra, Hareesh Kumar, Krithivasan Ramamritham - IITB Bombay.

Toward Improving Building User Energy Awareness, Yidan Zhang, Arnaud Prouzeau, Hourieh Khalajzadeh, Sarah Goodwin - Monash University.

> Watch the Paper Presentation Recording

10:00-11:00 Invited Speaker Presentations and Panel Discussion

Session Chair: Sarah Goodwin (Workshop Chair)

Kenny Gruchalla, Senior Scientist, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Denver, USA

Jagoda Walny, Technical Lead, Visual Design Team, Canada Energy Regulator, Calgary, Canada

Lyn Bartram, Professor in the School of Interactive Art and Technology and Director of the Vancouver Institute of Visual Analytics, Simon Fraser University, BC, Canada

Yolande Strengers, Associate Professor, Emerging Technologies Research Lab, Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia

> Watch the Invited Speaker Presentation Recording

> Watch the Invited Speaker Panel Recording

11:15-13:00 Interactive Brainstorming and Workshop Wrap Up

Session Facilitator: Sarah Goodwin (Workshop Chair)

For the 2nd half of the workshop was spent exploring the challenges (pink post-it notes) and goals (yellow post-it notes) in regard to Urban Data Visualization, with a specific focus on Energy Resilient Cities:

After individual brainstroming of the challenges (pink post-it notes) and goals (yellow post-it notes) in the field, we looked for similarities and began to group together into common themes

These initial themes and brainstorming will form input into the discussion for EnergyVis 2021.

> Watch an overview of completed interactive brainstroming session